Version 0.10.1 released
Thanks to all who have contributed fixes for this release, and hopefully now we can do shorter releases so that fixes and new features get to users more quickly!
- #215 - slider with orientation=”Vertical” doesn’t work
- #244 - Panaroma Problem? button inside not working well
- #253 - ToggleSwitch doesn’t change between IsEnabled states
- #269 - Tile not shrinking towards center?
- #280 - Textbox corner rectangle color
- #294 - Issue #259 fix was undone in 8eda48129a
- #311 - Controls.xaml breaks keyboard accelerator
- #318 - Right Positioned Flyouts Do Not Show Close Arrow
- #332 - Flyout
- #356 - Wrong Size Calculation Of Grid In Flyout
- #368 - Add ToggleSwitch Focus keyboard action
- #384 - WPF .Net 4.5 App - MahApps looking for System.Windows.Interactivity 4.0
Pull Requests
- #259 - Fixed titlebar behavior [@zii-dmg]
- #273 - some style changes/bug fixes [@punker76]
- #279 - Fixed the dotted focus border that shows up on the MetroWindow [@blooksa]
- #295 - Hidden flyout resize fix [@lukaspj]
- #297 - Add support for regular menu’s [@chandramouleswaran]
- #301 - Fixes Issue #244 [@alfhenrik]
- #302 - Fixed radiobutton foreground bug [@blooksa]
- #303 - The min/max/close buttons can be tabbed to… [@blooksa]
- #304 - add style for virtualised ListBox [@punker76]
- #306 - The clear text button in textboxes doesn’t match the textbox foreground [@blooksa]
- #307 - VS Styles do not support horizontal scrollbars [ @larrybeall]
- #309 - Added a window for displaying all the icons in the resource assembly [@blooksa]
- #310 - The cleartext button in the passwordbox doesn’t match the one in a textbox [@blooksa]
- #313 - Update MahApps.Metro/Styles/Controls.ContextMenu.xaml [@programatix]
- #335 - Use DockPanel in Flyouts instead of StackPanel [@EvilClosetMonkey]
- #340 - The panorama demo can be exited by pressing the escape key [@Amrykid]
- #343 - Added keys to ListBox and ListBoxItem so they can be based on [@stefan-schweiger]
- #344 - Allow Panorama to be Garbage Collected [@mrosack]
- #346 - “save window settings elsewhere” scenario [@punker76]
- #358 - Flyouts improvement [@punker76]
- #370 - Fixed issue #368 [@lmseddik]
- #386 - Adding .NET 4.5 Support [@shiftkey]
- #385 - Listview listbox item selected [@stefan-schweiger @shiftkey]